2010年4月17日 星期六

Pre Wedding Video

Childhood Video(成長片段)is a traditional but common video for hk styled wedding during march-in, sometimes boring.... here below is a video played during last night's wedding banquet, the video was done by myself and with another videographer, Jack two months ago. the idea was covering the scene of childhood episode and also with some interview/outdoor footage.
besides the pre wedding video, another video was last night's highlight, enjoy~

Moon + Raymond Prewedding Video from Elite Productions on Vimeo.

Moon + Raymond Same Day Video Edit from Elite Productions on Vimeo.

2 則留言:

  1. 我想搵你拍野呀~我wedding day係26th dec 2010, 但我sent過e-mail去elite...無人覆我~請問點樣可以同你地聯絡呢????我既email係sheorou@hotmail.com

  2. Hi Tami, thanks 最近server有d問題, 我已回覆各下
